HawaiiBroker.com is a blog focused on real estate in the Aloha State. HawaiiBroker.com is intended to inform, educate, and entertain, covering topics ranging from industry news to featuring individual, remarkable properties.
HawaiiBroker.com is part of the Hawaii Hui family of companies. Founded in 1994, Hawaii Hui LLC (formerly Leahi.Net) is the largest and longest-running blog network and online publishing group in the Aloha State.
HawaiiBroker.com welcomes submissions from Realtors, industry professionals, analysts and commentators, provided they are well written, and so long as all consideration, affiliations and interests are ethically disclosed. (See FTC guidelines for more information.) All submissions must by bylined and include a brief author bio. While all submissions will be considered, not all submissions will be published.
To submit a piece to HawaiiBroker.com, please email ryan@hawaiibroker.com.
Looking for help selling or buying a home in Hawaii? Please contact me!
Ryan Kawailani Ozawa
Real Estate Salesperson (RS-76142)
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate – Advantage Realty
4211 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
Mobile: (808) 520-4820
Email: ryano@betterhawaii.com
Web: https://betterhawaii.com
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